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Sunflower resting on sheet music

For the Love of Singing!

From the shower to the car to the Zoom room, your voice deserves time to be heard!


What it’s about


If you love to sing but find yourself at a loss on where to begin, then this class is for you! Weaving singing into your life as an adult can be confusing, and you are not alone


Whether it’s figuring out this whole “practicing” thing, understanding what kinds of songs make your voice shine, or building up the courage to sing around other people, let’s work together to take your love of singing a step further!


In this online small group voice class, we demystify the vocal instrument, remove shame around singing and practicing, and develop your agency around singing.


Let’s remove barriers so that you can use your voice the way you want to!


This class is for you if…

  • You love to sing but don’t necessarily consider yourself a Singer

  • You want to remove shame around singing

  • You want to demystify the vocal instrument

  • You want to fit singing into your life, not force it

  • You want support & accountability as you nourish your love of singing & grow your confidence!


What to expect


The next class meets online over Zoom for 9 weeks on Tuesdays, 5:30pm-6:45pm ET, from April 23 to June 18, 2024.


Tuition includes seven 75-min group classes & two 45-min private voice lessons; downloadable audio, video, and print resources; and personalized song recommendations. Weeks 3 & 7 are reserved for private lessons, scheduled at the discretion of the teacher & student.


A maximum number of 6 participants ensures a deep level of personalized coaching. Every 9-week class is tailored specifically to the cohort’s interests, levels, and needs, so no two sessions are exactly alike!


The small group class format offers a unique opportunity for peer support. Building a supportive, creative community allows us to share & celebrate our experiences with others on a similar journey.


Everything starts with a Discovery Call!


In each class, we’ll…

  • Use body awareness exercises to unlock ease and power in your voice

  • Explore a Theme Of the Week that demystifies a new aspect of singing

  • Uncover how singing feels in your body

  • Grow your critical listening skills so you hear music in more nuanced ways

  • Sing with joy and curiosity!


Themes Of the Week might include…

  • Breathing & Expression

  • Body Awareness

  • Voice Mechanics 101

  • Vowels, Modification & Style

  • Head/Chest/Mix Voice, oh my!

  • How to learn new songs


Each student is invited to work on any songs of their choice! Or students are welcome to ask for personalized recommendations and assistance in learning new music.


Financial investment: $900 for all 9 weeks of classes, private lessons, and resources. Payment plans are available.


How this class came to be


In over 10 years of teaching singing, I’ve heard a similar story from many adults: they loved to sing when they were a kid, but now there’s a block


This block can look different for everyone. It might show up as confusion over why singing high feels strained or as embarrassment to sing in front of other people. I’ve heard stories from adults who believe they are tone deaf, who don’t know why their voices crack, who were told not to sing as children because they sounded so bad. Sometimes they like the sound of their voice, but they simply don’t know what to do with it.


And yet, despite these blocks, they still love to sing.


I’m here to tell you that anyone can sing! When we understand how the vocal instrument works and how it feels in our bodies, we’re empowered to use our voices in ways we’ve never even imagined. 


Connecting with your voice can feel vulnerable, and a small group class offers individualized instruction and a supportive community of people on a similar journey. My hope is that inviting people into a supportive space like this will give us all permission to pursue the creativity we love and to step into our unique power. Your voice deserves to be heard.

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